About Comawork
Process-Oriented Comawork
Process-Oriented Comawork is a powerful method of establishing communication with people who are in special states of consciousness, including coma, dementia or delirium.
Talking and touching the body delicately while paying close attention to and confirming the feedback (response), we try to connect with the person in such states of consciousness.
Based on the basic stance of Process Oriented Psychology, founded by Arnold Mindell who was a Jungian analyst, we support people in their life paths and true sense of fulfilling life regardless to what state of consciousness they are in.

What Comawork Can Provide
Imagine that your loved one is in a coma and is about to meet his or her final moments.
Coma is not a state of unconsciousness, but a state of unusual consciousness.
In coma work, we access the consciousness of the comatose or delirious person and communicate with them.
The dialogue in the final moments of a person's life can be a precious moment for both the dying and the survivor.
By learning Comawork, you can help your loved ones live with full intention until the last moment of their lives.
We will be “ultimately there for you” for a life with no regrets.
That is what Comawork can provide us.

by One-drops Deeply Connected
Projects “Awakening Waves”
Projects “Awakening Waves”
by One-drops Deeply Connected
If we realized that every person is
unique, and each one of us can live
our individuality to the fullest...
If we lived in every relationship with
respect for each other's uniqueness, yet
in deep connection with each other
What would the world be like?

To Deeply Connect with Loved Ones
Process-Oriented Coma Work is a psychological approach that helps people “live life to the fullest,” no matter what their state of consciousness.
This project was launched with the idea of bringing online coma work to those who have loved ones in a special state of coma (coma).
We will meet to interview about your loved one and introduce basic coma work skills (first session), and accompany you to work online together (2 sessions).
There is no set fee. Please donate your feelings to our peace activities. *For more information on peace activities, click here.

Connect with Meaning of Life
Depth psychology (Jungian, process-oriented psychology) considers childhood dreams and memories from early life as snapshots or maps of our personal mythology and life
direction of our lives.
In a larger sense, it is a way to awaken to one's potential, using such tools to guide us toward awareness, awakening, and transformation when we are at our wit's end in the stormy ocean of life.
We offer individual sessions and group workshops to help you awaken to your own potential using these tools that can guide you to awareness, awakening, and transformation when you are at your wits' end in life.
Awakening to your own “Myth” also means awakening to the importance of “living their myth” of each person around you, including your family members. Join us for a reading and study group that aims to create a “Live My Myth” community.

Listen Deeply to Connect Deeply
DEEP LISTENING is a proposal to establish a deep connection with ourselves and others by listening to the depths of our heart, based on the humanistic view of depth psychology.
By applying the philosophy and practice of process-oriented comawork to our daily interpersonal relationships, we experience a deep connection with our own inner world and with others.
By sharing the experience of this connection, and through trust in ourselves and our peers, we can mutually empower each other to create our own unique group narrativees (=myths) and share in the transformation. This project aims to realize such a community.