Karo Miura
Having lived in Mexico for over 10 years, Karo had the opportunity to support street children and provide grief care for women who lost their loved ones. Since returning to Japan in 2003, she has been involved in trauma care for children and adolescents, and has experiences in counseling as a clinical psychologist with people of a wide range of age groups, nationalities, genders and sexual orientations.
Since 2018, she has immersed herself in coma work, based on process-oriented psychology, provided psychological care to families and deepened her practical knowledge of "altered states of consciousness (distinct from everyday consciousness)". Her life work is "coma work" in a broad sense, which facilitates exploration of the meaning of life for all people, by awakening to the unique powers and "personal myths" that lie dormant within us.
With more than 12 years of experience living abroad, Karo is at home with diverse population and can provide sessions in English, Spanish and Japanese.
University of Waseda, B.A. & Universidad de Celaya, Master in Human Development
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Public Psychologist, EMDR practitioner
Japan Process Work Center Coma Work Japan Certified Comaworker
The Process Work Center Hawaii, Deep Bodywork Certification Program
SUNEETHA 🇮🇳 Suneetha is a certified process worker and is currently pursuing her Diploma in process-oriented psychology and Teledrama. She is a PhD from XLRI Jamshedpur and has done her Master’s from TISS Mumbai and has vast experience in Manufacturing sector. She has rich experience in change management, organizational development and employee relations, learning and development, performance management, competency- based assessment and development, and industry-community interface projects. She has successfully developed and directed a full complement of human resources programs for more than 2,500 employees and their families. Besides this she has led programs for school children, adolescents from rural backgrounds and women. As a step towards continuous learning, she completed a 2-year certificate program in process-oriented psychology, a 5 - year leadership course for women and attended a leadership workshop –Women’s Way at U.S during April 2010 and World Work seminar in Denver in 2011. She also has training in Psychodrama and Sociometry.
菊地健介/KENSUKE 🇯🇵 エンジニアとして約 17 年半会社勤務。その後独立し設計会社を 18 年 経営。この間「理論と理性で人生幸せになれる」と信じて生きる。 しかし 実際は思考に縛られ、 思考によって執着が手放せずに苦しくなり自己 肯定感はドン底となる。この状況を変えようとしている時に心についての学びに出会い、それを実践する。今では人生が 180°変わったことを実感し 心理学を日常に生かすことを伝える。更にその中でミッション=コーマワーク(昏睡状態の人の表現を受け取り対話する心理的支援)と出会い日本プロセスワークセンター内 コーマワークジャパンで4年半学び現在はコーマワーカーとしてして活動を行う。 ・コーマワーカー ・カウンセリング型1on1講師 ・岡部明美 LPL 養成講座認定セラピスト
PATRICIA 🇲🇽 Patricia Alejandra García Valenzuela es Quimicofarmacobióloga, tiene una maestría en Desarrollo Humano y un doctorado en Salud Pública con la Universidad de Trujillo de Perú. Con 25 años de antigüedad en la Universidad de Celaya, ha desempeñado múltiples cargos, como docente en preparatoria, coordinadora de la maestría en desarrollo humano, Subdirectora operativa de la escuela de medicina, investigadora, docente de tiempo completo en licenciaturas, Universidad virtual y de fin de semana. Es facilitadora de procesos de Desarrollo Humano, en universidades nacionales extranjeras. Participa con el grupo de End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC), para mejorar los cuidados paliativos, EN Celaya Guanajuato.
"You are not a drop in the ocean, but the ocean in a drop." Authored by Rumi, the 13th-century Islamic mystical poet, this small sentence expresses the essence of our existence in a simple yet profound manner.
In contrast, our when our life is as busy as a spinning wheel, we may lose sight of our very existence and be struck by a feeling of despair. Such a moment may be when the door that invites us to a deeper existence opens.
comawork.org, using the perspective of deep psychology, aims to support each individual, even during those wheel-spinning times, to awaken to "the ocean in a drop" or the "Self (the "Bigger Us" with unique and often unexamined powers)" that sleeps in the deep sea of our psyche. Let us open ourselves and rediscover the meaning of life.
Process-Oriented Psychology
Based on the basic stance of Process Oriented Psychology, founded by Arnold Mindell who was a Jungian analyst, we support people in their life paths and true sense of fulfilling life regardless to what state of consciousness they are in.
Process-Oriented Comawork
The principles of Process Oriented Psychology form the basis for Process-Oriented Comawork: a powerful method of establishing communication with people who are in special states of consciousness, including coma, dementia or delirium.
Talking and touching the body delicately while paying close attention to and confirming the feedback (response), we try to connect with the person in such states of consciousness.
These techniques have been further refined to reach out to the families and friends of the affected patients, who have their unique set of challenges and concerns.
[Related site]
☞ Japan Process Work Center: https://jpwc.or.jp/coma-work/
☞ International Association of Process Oriented Psychology: https://iapop.com/coma/
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Nagaoka City,
Niigata Prefecture.
3 Minutes on Foot from
The JR Nagaoka Station, East Exit